Relieve Your Pain by Calling Our 24-Hour Emergency Dental Service in Rio Rancho

When you are in need of a skilled on-call dental office to treat an emergency regarding your teeth or gums, call the number found below. Serving the Rio Rancho / Albuquerque community we are here for you long after other dental offices have shut down for the night. We are also ready to take your call during the weekends anytime.

Collectively, our staff has tons of experience treating dental emergencies in Rio Rancho, such as painful gums brought on by infection or abscess, chipped, loose, or broken teeth, broken or loose crowns, bridgework, and dentures. We stand ready to treat your painful dental injury, regardless of what it may be.

Call For 24/7 dental care in Rio Rancho. We accept numerous insurance plans as well as major credit cards.

Realizing When You May Be in Need of Immediate Dental Care:

Knowing when to seek immediate help makes a huge difference in the outcome of your treatment. If ignored or delayed, a tooth or gum injury may result in serious consequences, resulting in permanent damage or necessitating additional, costly, and extensive treatment in the future.

The smart thing to do when such a problem arises is to contact a local 24/7 dental care clinic in Rio Rancho like ours as soon as possible. Dentists at regular offices do not usually make themselves on call, so it is necessary to avail yourself of this remedy instead. Fortunately, you have found this website, and our door is always open, even when your own dentist’s is not.

Specific Types of Urgent Dental Care That We Treat

If you wake up in the middle of the night with a horrendous toothache, are hemorrhaging, or inadvertently cause damage to your teeth in one fashion or another, we can help. Call our emergency help line for 24/7 service. Here are of the very specific urgent care needs that we treat:

  • The cracking, dislodgement, or breakage of teeth due to sudden accidents*
  • Teeth and gum infections leading to a toothache and/or swelling of the gums
  • Serious toothaches and facial pain uncontrollable by over-the-counter medications
  • Severe facial or mouth swelling that grows progressively worse with time
  • Uncontrollable bleeding following tooth extraction
  • Broken braces, bands, wires, and brackets
  • Loose, cracked, or broken dentures or dental implants
  • Lost filling
  • Dislodged Crown**

*If you have a partially dislodged tooth, gently press a cold compress to the exterior of your mouth until you are able to see a physician

**It is urgent that you see a dentist immediately if you a crown becomes dislodged. Secure the crown in a plastic bag and provide it to your urgent care provider.

Answers You Will Need to Know

In order to receive swift and efficient care, have the answers to the following questions ready when you call our urgent care office:

  • What exactly is the nature of your condition or injury?
  • When did it begin?
  • On a scale of one to ten, how severe is your pain?
  • Are you experiencing any swelling?
  • Are you on any type of medications?
  • Are your teeth currently sensitive to hot or cold temperatures?
  • Is your situation urgent?
  • When was your last dental appointment?
  • Are you insured for dental care?

What to Do if You Break, Chip, or Knock Your Teeth Out

Breakage or Chipping:
Thoroughly rinse out your mouth with lukewarm water and gently press a cold compress to your cheek to help reduce swelling. Seek immediate care with an on-call emergency dentist. Bring any parts of broken/chipped tooth/teeth with you to your appointment.

Knocked-Out Tooth/Teeth:
Do not pick up a knocked-out tooth by the root. Use the top instead, and do not attempt to rinse the tooth. You do not want to detach any tissue that remains. Try and reinsert it into the socket, holding it gently in place. If it will not stay, place it in either a cup of saline solution or milk or keep it firmly between your cheek and gums. The goal is to have it not dry out. Call a 24-hour emergency dental office immediately.

What You Should Not Do…

Do not take aspirin if you are in extreme pain. Aspirin is a blood thinner and can cause excess bleeding. Use Ibuprofen instead. Do not ever apply a pain killer on your gums nearby your injured tooth. Doing so can cause an extreme and painful burning sensation. Also, remember that while pain medication might make you feel better temporarily, it will do nothing to remedy your problem. The only way to determine the best course of treatment for what ails you is to see a competent emergency dentist as soon as possible.

Need a Dentist in Rio Rancho For a Toothache on the Weekend?

No matter how often you visit your dentist for regular cleaning and check-up, some individuals may experience extreme toothaches and going back to a dental professional most often does the trick. Your dental professional will be able to address you problem easily, prescribe medications or even perform dental procedures to help alleviate the pain and cure the main root of the problem.

But, what if you experience toothache on a weekend? Most dental clinics are closed on weekends. What should you do if the pain is so extreme that it can’t wait for a couple of days? As a matter of fact, what if the pain is unbearable that it can’t wait even for an hour? It is true that a typical dental clinic doesn’t operate on weekends, but are you also aware that there are clinics that operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Emergency Dental Services in Rio Rancho You Can Trust

If you have a regular dentist, that’s fine – but during emergency situations, it’s always best if you know a dental clinic which can help you at times like these. Toothaches shouldn’t be taken for granted. It can be caused by a number of reasons and it’s best to have a dental professional check your teeth to determine the underlying causes.

Toothaches can be caused by infection or abscess, bleeding, fractured jaw, swollen gums, loose crowns, mouth ulcers and many others. Without immediate attention, the problem may get worse which will cause you even more pain, and eventually, costs more money.

Pain relievers will TEMPORARILY get rid of your toothache, but it doesn’t target the main cause of the problem. If you’re experiencing this on a weekend, we can help!

Our dental clinic is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – there’s no need to wait for a weekday to schedule an appointment with your dentist. During emergency cases like these, let us help you feel relieved from the pain and allow us to address those dental emergencies as soon as possible.

If you need an emergency dentist in Rio Rancho give us a call.