Dental Abscess Treatment in Albuquerque

A dental abscess is a bacterial infection that creates a large pocket of pus. Abscesses can occur in the gum next to the tooth or at the tooth root. Most abscesses are caused by a cavity that has not been treated. An abscess can spread and potentially threaten your life. If you have an abscess it is crucial to call a dentist right away.

What Are The Symptoms of an Abscess?

An abscess is very painful. You might not be able to chew with the tooth, and you will most definitely feel a throbbing pain. You might run a fever, and your face could swell. Many people experience swollen lymph nodes in their neck.

facialswellingHow Does A Dentist Treat An Abscess?

Your dentist treats your abscess by draining it and removing the infection. A root canal might be necessary to save the tooth. In some cases, the tooth can’t be saved and will need to be pulled. You must take antibiotics after the abscess is drained to prevent further infection. Call your dentist immediately if you have any symptoms of an abscess.

What Causes An Abscess?

An abscess starts when bacteria enter your tooth’s pulp from a cavity or crack in your tooth. The bacteria spread to the root of your tooth and cause swelling and inflammation. If you don’t have the abscess treated right away, the infection can spread to your jaw and eventually into your blood, causing sepsis and possible death.

The best way to prevent a dental abscess from occurring in the first place is to see a dentist twice a year. A dentist can stop an abscess from getting started. Good dental care prevents cavities, keeps your teeth healthy, and prevents gum disease. Good preventative care from your dentist is a must.