Call For A High-Quality Emergency Wisdom Tooth Extraction

emergency tooth pulling albuquerque, nmA wisdom tooth can flare up at anytime, and this is when action is required.

Emergency Wisdom Tooth Extraction

What can you do when the pain is radiating through your oral cavity and causing agony?

An emergency solution is a must, and this is where a high-quality wisdom tooth extraction is going to be the necessary treatment.

With this world-class emergency dental clinic in Albuquerque, you will be able to receive immediate treatment at any time of the day.


The extraction is going to be simple ensuring you’re not adding additional pressure to the area near your tooth. This is important, so you’re able to eat as required and not feel troubled because of the continuous pain.

At this dental clinic, we use professional techniques and modern equipment to help with the wisdom tooth extraction enabling you to feel good as soon as possible.


Who wants to feel pain during the process? You will already be in a severe amount of discomfort leading to the emergency visit, and this dental clinic is going to work hard in ensuring the results are on par with your requirements.

The treatment is going to be as painless as you want it to be.


How long will our specialists take once you have arrived at the clinic? You will be able to receive immediate treatment and not have to fret over things being delayed or the pain lingering forever.

Come in and make sure the right professional is taking a look at your wisdom tooth.

Those who call now will be able to receive immediate value for their wisdom tooth pain. It is time to take action and get rid of the wisdom tooth before the pain becomes unbearable.

We are the finest emergency dental clinic for all of your emergency and will be open around the clock.

5 Signs That  You Have a Tooth Needs to Be Extracted

emergency tooth pulling albuquerque, nmMaintaining healthy teeth is crucial for your overall well-being, but in some cases, a tooth can become a daunting issue. While tooth extraction is no fun and is considered a last resort, there are some situations where it becomes necessary to prevent further complications. In this post, we are going to look at several telltale signs that your tooth needs to be pulled out.

5 Signs That  You Have a Tooth Needs to Be Extracted

1. Severe Toothache

An extreme toothache that isn’t relieved by over-the-counter pain medication is a sign that something is wrong with the tooth. The pain may be constant or come and go, and it may be worse at night or when you bite down

2. Severe Tooth Decay

When left unaddressed, tooth decay can progress to a point where the tooth’s structural integrity is compromised. If your tooth has decayed to a level where the enamel, pulp, and dentin are damaged, it cannot be saved through conventional filling or root canal treatment. In such a case, extraction is the only viable solution.

2. Advanced Gum Disease

Also referred to as periodontitis, advanced gum disease can result in the loosening of teeth because of the deterioration of the supporting bone and tissues. If the bone loss is severe and your tooth becomes too unstable to stay in place, it is time to have it pulled out.

3. Irreparable Tooth Fractures

If a tooth fracture extends deep into the root, it can affect the tooth’s stability and cause severe pain. If the fracture is too extreme to be fixed through crowns or bonding, extraction may be required. This prevents infection and further discomfort.

4. Affected Wisdom Teeth

Also referred to as third molars, wisdom teeth usually do not have adequate space to emerge correctly, leading to impaction. This can result in pain, inflammation, and even infection. If left unaddressed (through extraction), they can also damage neighboring teeth, hurting your overall health.

5. Overcrowding and Orthodontic Treatment

In some situations, teeth need to be pulled out in order to make space for proper alignment during orthodontic treatment. Overcrowding can result in difficulty in cleaning, crooked teeth, and an increased risk of dental issues. As such, having a tooth pulled out can help achieve a straighter smile and healthier bite.

The Takeaway

The prospect of having your tooth extracted can be scary, but it is important to recognize the signs that show this procedure is necessary. Keep in mind that your dentist in Albuquerque is the best individual to evaluate your oral health and recommend the right treatment. So, ensure you consult them and have regular dental check-ups.

Six Do’s and Don’ts After You Have Had a Tooth Extraction

emergency tooth pulling albuquerque, nmHaving a tooth extracted is a standard dental procedure that can be done to remove a damaged, decayed, or infected tooth. While it is a minor procedure, taking care of your mouth afterward is crucial for preventing complications and hastening the healing process. In this brief post, we’ll delve into the dos and don’ts following tooth extraction in simple terms.

Six Do’s and Don’ts After You Have Had a Tooth Extraction

The Dos

1. Follow the Dentist’s Instructions

Your dentist knows best and will provide specific guidelines based on your situation. As such, you’ll want to listen and follow their instructions to the letter carefully.

2. Keep Gauze in Position

Following the procedure, the dentist will put a piece of gauze over the extraction site. It’s important to apply gentle pressure on the piece for the recommended time in order to control bleeding and allow for clot formation.

3. Use Ice Packs

In order to reduce swelling, apply an ice pack to the cheek between 15 to 20 minutes on the off during the first day.

4. East Soft Foods

You’ll want to avoid chewy, hard, or crunchy foods for the first few days as they can tamper with the healing process. Instead, sticks to foods like scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, soup, and yogurt.

5. Take Prescribed Medicine

If you were given antibiotics or pain relievers, take them as prescribed. This is important for pain management and preventing infections.

6. Stay Hydrated

Ensure you drink plenty of fluids, but avoid using straws for the first several days. The sucking motion can dislodge the blood clot, thus affecting the healing process.

The Don’ts

1. Avoid Spitting and Rinsing

Do not use mouthwash or spit forcefully for the first 24 hours as the pressure can dislodge the blood clot and lead to a painful condition called dry socket.

2. Avoid Strenuous Activities

Do not engage in heavy lifting or intense activities for the first few days as your body needs time to heal.

3. Avoid Hot Foods and Alcohol

Hot foods and alcohol can aggravate the healing site, so avoid them for a couple of days.

4. Do Not Smoke

If you smoke, avoid it for at least 2 days. The substances in tobacco smoke can also affect the clot and increase the risk of infection.

5. Don’t Overlook Abnormal Symptoms

Mild to moderate pain or swelling is normal, but if these symptoms worsen, consult your dentist as they could be signs of an infection.

6. Do Not Skip Follow-up Appointments

If your dentist scheduled any follow-up appointments, ensure you attend them. This is important in monitoring your healing progress.

By following the above tips, you should be able to recover fast and uneventfully following a tooth extraction.

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The Most Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction

emergency tooth pulling albuquerque, nmWhile often seen as a last resort, tooth extraction becomes necessary in some situations. Among the several reasons that may necessitate a tooth extraction, one stands out as the most prevalent and this post will delve into the gist of things.

The Most Common Reason for Extraction: Severe Tooth Decay

Severe tooth decay, or advanced dental caries or cavities is the most frequent cause of tooth extraction. Dental caries, usually fueled by poor oral hygiene, sugary diets, and inadequate dental care, can lead to the gradual breakdown of the tooth’s structure. When the cavities penetrate the enamel and dentin, and reach the sensitive pulp inside, they can cause pain, inflammation, and even infection.

Why Does Severe Tooth Decay Lead to Extraction?

Once dental decay hits an advanced stage, the affected teeth are less likely to respond to less invasive treatments like root canals or filings. If the damage is at a point that affects the tooth’s structural integrity, extraction becomes the viable course of action to avoid further complications. Leaving a severely decayed tooth unaddressed can lead to issues like:

Pain & Discomfort- When the nerves within the tooth are exposed, it becomes sensitive to pain and sensitivity.

Infection- Bacteria can make their way to the pulp chamber, causing an infection that can spread to the surrounding areas.

Abscess Formation- An abscess is a pocket of pus that can develop at the root of the tooth, leading to extreme pain and inflammation.

How to Avoid Severe Tooth Decay

Preventing extreme tooth decay is vital in avoiding extraction. That said, here are simple but effective tips to keep your teeth healthy and free from cavities:

  1. Brush Regularly– brush at least two times per day using fluoride toothpaste. This will help remove food particles and plaque, which left unattended can build up and cause decay.
  2. Floss DailyFlossing helps clean between teeth and in parts where your toothbrush cannot reach properly.
  3. Watch Your Diet– Sugar feeds bacteria that aid in the development of cavities. So limit sugary foods and beverages and instead stick to a balanced diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
  4. Regular Dental Check-ups– Having dental check-ups is recommended for detecting and treating cavities early enough. A great dentist will be able to identify potential issues before they escalate.

The Takeaway

Extreme tooth decay stands out as the prevalent reason for tooth extraction. Keep in mind that prevention is key to avoiding the need for tooth extraction and you can ascertain this by practicing good oral hygiene, visiting your dentist regularly, and maintaining a healthy diet.

How Do Dentists Treat Toothaches?

A woman with a toothacheToothaches come in many different forms, but are usually a sign that something needs to be checked by a dentist. When it comes to what actually causes toothaches, some common ones are gum infections, cavities, teeth grinding, infections, cracked teeth, and damaged fillings.

What Can a Dentist Do for a Toothache?

A dentist will first perform an examination and ask about your symptoms. He/she may also take a dental X-ray to find out whether there are any issues going on beneath the gums. The dentist will then recommend a suitable treatment depending on the severity of your situation.

Here are the 3 most common dentist-prescribed treatments for toothaches:

I. Dental Filling

If a hole has already formed in the decayed tooth, the dentist will remove the decayed area using a drill and repair the hole using dental fillings. Blue wavelength light is then used to cure and hasten the hardening of the fillings. Finally, they will file and polish the tooth for a correct bite.

II. Root Canal

A root canal may be necessary if the tooth is infected or for a larger cavity. The dentist first numbs the patient and then drills the tooth until reaching the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels. He/she then removes it and seals the tooth. A crown may also be placed over the affected tooth to protect it from further damage.

III. Tooth Extraction

Extracting a tooth can be an effective solution to prevent further infection. It’s also a common solution for a crowded mouth, especially with impacted teeth that require surgery. The procedure starts with local anesthetic being administered to numb the area. The dentist then rocks the tooth back and forth using forceps to remove it from the jawbone.

Final Thoughts

Toothaches are usually the result of a more serious oral problem that requires immediate attention. To treat a toothache, the dentist will first review your medical history and conduct an examination. After determining the cause, he/she will prescribe a suitable treatment.

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Is Same Day Tooth Extraction Possible?

emergency tooth pulling albuquerque, nmIf you are dealing with an infected tooth, it’s very important to act quickly. The longer you wait to address it, the more damage can be done to your teeth and gums. But when is it the right time to pull an infected tooth?

If you have an infected tooth that has been bothering you and you are eager to see it go, you may wonder, once you have scheduled an appointment, will the dentist pull your tooth on the first visit or will it have to wait until a second one?

Will a Dentist Pull a Tooth on the First Visit?

A dentist can pull a tooth that’s infected during the first appointment, but it’s highly unlikely for him or her to actually do it. In most cases, a consultation is necessary for a variety of reasons that you need to know about.

The consultation allows the dentist to determine what type of extraction is required, whether there’s actually an infection present, and whether the procedure requires anesthesia. X-rays will also be needed to get a closer look at your teeth and jaw.

You will then be booked for the procedure after the consultation. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, the dentist will likely book you as soon as possible. Many dental offices allow for emergency appointments after hours for urgent cases.

Final Thoughts

The reality is that while all dentists can perform emergency tooth extractions, they will hardly ever pull a tooth on the first visit. To reduce your risk of developing an infection that may require emergency treatment, you need to take proper care of your teeth.

Proper oral care includes maintaining good oral hygiene, avoiding substances likely to damage your teeth, and having regular dental checkups in Albuquerque every 6 months. If you visit the dentist regularly, the signs of infection can be identified in the early stages and addressed before significant damage occurs.

Do You Need an Emergency Tooth Extraction?

Dental emergencies can show up in a couple of different forms. We understand that sometimes accidents happen suddenly and you have a dental emergency that may even require some oral surgery if you need a tooth extracted. There are other times where a mild pain can be easily ignored (even though you should never ignore tooth pain) and then suddenly the pain and swelling flares up, creating an emergency.

While the truth is that you can never be 100% sure if you need a tooth removed because of infection, accident, or because of long neglect, there are several signs to look for that can give you a hint and might be time to take out that problem tooth.

Tooth Extraction Due to Wisdom Teeth Coming In

A woman with a painful toothacheOne of the first potential signs is if you have wisdom teeth growing in. The majority of people will not only have wisdom teeth, but will need them removed because they come in and crowd other teeth or damage the root system. We’ve seen plenty of cases where one wisdom tooth could have a negative domino affect on multiple teeth on that side of your mouth. Getting wisdom teeth removed is never a bad idea.

Tooth Extraction Due to Severe Toothache

Another obvious sign is severe pain, especially if there is swelling or blood around the gums and surrounding tissue area. This could be a sign of damaged roots, severe tooth damage that’s too bad to fix, or even the severe infection. All of these things are an indication that you need dental work, but depending on the severity the damage you may need an emergency tooth extraction.

While we understand the nervousness that many people have when going to the dentist, we strongly encourage you to come in at the first sign of damage or problem. While you might be nervous about the news, ignoring it will only make things much worse and if you have a tooth that needs to be removed because of infection you need to know that in severe circumstances that can become fatal if left untreated.

Find a dentist in Albuquerque to help you get an emergency tooth extraction in ABQ.