Message to Albuquerque Employers: Employee Dental Health Will Increase Profits

Employers in Albuquerque should take note of a recent article at by Annie Pilon that discusses the benefits to employers of providing employee dental health plans so their employees can take better care of their oral hygiene and prevent dental emergencies.

“According to the National Association of Dental Plans (NADP), people without employee dental health benefits insurance reported higher incidences of a variety of other illnesses. For example, periodontal disease has been shown to make other health conditions like diabetes worse.

In addition, people who have access to dental coverage are more likely to practice good preventive care, which can help keep them healthier overall. Take a look at a shocking correlation – those without employee dental benefits were:

67 percent more likely to have heart disease.
50 percent more likely to have osteoporosis.
29 percent more likely to have diabetes.

So if you decide against offering employee dental benefits insurance, you’re not only decreasing your team’s odds of having good dental health, but also their chances of having good physical health overall.

And that doesn’t just mean negatives for your employees, but also for your business.”

Read the entire article here…

You already know how important it is to practice good oral hygiene, right? Well, now it looks like employers are understanding this lesson as well.

Loose Teeth Can Turn Into Missing Teeth If You Don’t Seek Treatment Fast

Some people make sure they go to regular dental check up appointments to enable their dentists to keep on top of their teeth and gums, others do not. Some people only go near the dentists when they are suffering from tooth ache which is so bad that their regular pain relief medication won’t work.

Unfortunately many people don’t treat loose teeth with the same amount of urgency. There is an assumption that there is nothing that a dentist can do for loose teeth – it’s just a case of letting nature take its course and waiting for them to fall out. The truth could not be further away.

It is very often the case that teeth become loose as the direct result of gum disease. Gum disease is a common condition which can make the gums sore, swollen and infected and lead to the teeth becoming loose and wobbly. Although uncommon in children gum disease is extremely common in adults – in fact it’s highly likely that all adults experience some form of gum disease at some time during their lifetime.

gingivitisThe first stage of gum disease is known as gingivitis. Your gums may bleed when you brush your teeth; bad breath is another unfortunate symptom of this disease. The second stage is periodontitis which can develop if you don’t get treatment for your gingivitis. At this stage you may begin to notice that your teeth have become loose.

This disease affects the tissues which support your teeth and hold them firmly in place. If you don’t seek the proper treatment from your dentist this can lead to a decaying of the jaw bone and small spaces opening up between your gums and teeth – your teeth will then become loose and eventually they could fall out altogether.

The Causes of Gum Disease

Gum disease is basically caused by a build-up of plaque, the sticky substance containing bacteria which is formed whenever you eat or drink something. Some of these bacteria are harmless but some is definitely not and can cause damage to the teeth and the gums.

It is possible to remove some plaque from your teeth with regular brushing and flossing but it’s also a great idea to pay regular visits to the dentist in order to have this plaque removed properly. If you don’t have the plaque removed it can lead to gum disease, bad breath, bleeding gums, wobbly teeth and . . . ultimately your teeth may fall out.

Isn’t that a good enough reason to make sure that you have a regular dental check-up?

If you have loose teeth, bleeding gums, or you haven’t been to a dentist in a while then you should contact our Albuquerque dental office as soon as possible by calling the phone number above.