Five Reasons To Call A 24 Hour Dentist

An albuquerque emergency dentist reviewing an xrayDental emergencies don’t care for the time of day. It could be two in the morning, and your tooth will start aching.

This is where a 24-hour dentist can become a valuable solution to have in hand as you’re hoping to get treated.

Five Reasons To Call A 24 Hour Dentist

Here are five reasons why a 24-hour dentist is of utmost importance to patients.

1) Immediate Treatment

The biggest benefit is the immediacy of treatment. You will be able to race in as soon as the problem flares up and know a professional dentist is ready to assist on the spot.

2) Prevents Future Dental Concerns

It is not just about handling dental problems right now, but about the future too. A patient will want a comprehensive solution, which will ensure the problem does not creep up in the long-term.

3) Can Provide Prescriptions

This dentist will be able to provide a prescription right away. This will enable the right medication to be taken (if necessary). Having to wait around to get a prescription filled is never a positive experience, which is why it’s best to go with a professional who can do so.

4) Trained Professionals

These are certified professionals just like any other dentist and will be well-versed with a range of dental concerns. This will ensure no risks are being taken when being diagnosed.

5) Close To Home

The biggest benefit when under duress is having a treatment option close to home. A valuable 24-hour dentist is going to be close to home for all of your requirements. This will save time and ensure the teeth are being looked at as soon as possible.

You don’t want this to be delayed.

Start looking for a nearby 24-hour dentist in Albuquerque as soon as you can before an emergency dental concern arises.

Is a Painful Toothache a Sign of a Dental Emergency?

An albuquerque emergency dentist reviewing an xrayMany people wonder at what point a toothache is considered a dental emergency. It’s important to understand that the more severe your pain, the more important it is to seek proper dental care. Any toothache lasting longer than a day or two and causing pain and discomfort is considered a dental emergency. If you don’t seek proper care, the toothache will only worsen. You could have a broken tooth, a lost crown or filling, or even a broken tooth. Any of these conditions can leave you vulnerable to infection.

Is a Painful Toothache a Sign of a Dental Emergency?

If your tooth becomes infected, it may continue to deteriorate. As your infection progresses, the pulp supporting your tooth will begin to die. This will give you unbearable pain and discomfort. Eventually, your tooth will die or possibly fall out on its own. It’s important to understand that anytime you have a tooth infection, you may be subject to further infections, such as your sinus cavities and other areas of your body. It’s important to understand that an infection can rapidly spread, making you feel sick overall, and this can possibly cause even more damage to your health.

Your toothache is especially urgent if you have a fever along with your pain. This is a sign that infection has likely set in, and the infection can cause further damage to your tooth, surrounding teeth, gums, and the rest of your body. Your dentist can evaluate your tooth and recommend the best procedure for you to keep your tooth as long as possible. If you lose your teeth, you will have to have dentures or an implant; both procedures can be very costly, so taking care of your teeth is important.

The sooner you seek help for your toothache, the less likely you are to have long-term health damage to your body. You may be able to save your tooth if you seek dental attention immediately. The longer you wait for proper treatment, the more likely you are to require further dental procedures that are far more expensive. You may risk having to have a root canal, a tooth extraction, and a course of antibiotics if you leave a painful toothache for too long. Proper dental care can greatly improve your overall health. The more pain you’re in, the more serious the emergency, so it’s best to get to your dentist right away. Call your dentist immediately to set up an emergency appointment if you have tooth pain.

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What are the Most Frequent Emergencies That Dentists Treat?

An albuquerque emergency dentist reviewing an xrayDental emergencies come in different forms. A missing or broken tooth, gum disease, and tooth decay are some of the most common dental emergencies. It is true that the best way to prevent dental issues is through proper dental care. However, having a clear idea of how to handle dental emergencies can go a long way towards safeguarding your dental health and preventing long-term damage, when the worst happens.

What are the Most Frequent Emergencies That Dentists Treat?

With that in mind, continue reading below to find out more about the most common dental emergencies.


A toothache is by far one of the most common dental emergencies. Pain can be a sign of various dental issues including tooth decay, oral injuries, and infections among others. In some cases, toothache can be managed at home without emergency treatment using over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen among others. However, you should never place any painkillers, including aspirin, against your gum or tissue as it can burn the gum tissue. Alternatively, you can apply a cold compress over the outside of your cheek.

Any cases of toothache accompanied by swelling require urgent dental care. When this occurs, be sure to seek emergency dental care immediately.

While toothache may be considered to be the most common dental emergency, other common emergencies include:

Broken or Chipped Tooth

In addition to being very painful, a chipped or broken tooth can ruin your smile. If the bleeding is excessive, use warm water to rinse out your mouth and place a piece of gauze at the affected area. Relieve pain and swelling by placing a cold compress on the area of your face closest to the affected tooth. Afterward, contact an emergency dentist to get the problem fixed as soon as possible.

Cracked Or Lost Filling

Lost or cracked fillings need to be fixed immediately to prevent further damage. This is mainly due to the fact that they are primarily used to restore the function and appearance of a previously damaged tooth. Avoid trying to fix the damaged tooth by yourself. Instead, cover the affected area with a piece of sugarless gum as you make arrangements for an emergency visit to the dentist’s office.

Knocked-out Tooth

A knocked-out tooth can cause bleeding and pain. The tooth can be put back in place depending on the nature of the injury; ideally, this has to be done within an hour. Pick up the knocked-out tooth by the crown and rinse off any dirt – without removing any attached tissue fragments. You can try to put the tooth back in place carefully, without forcefully pushing it into the socket. Alternatively, you can just place it in a cup of milk, as a way of preserving it for an emergency restoration procedure.


Keep calm and avoid panicking when dental emergencies in Albuquerque occur. After giving yourself the necessary first aid, be sure to make an emergency visit to the dentist.

What Conditions Are Considered To Be a Dental Emergency?

An albuquerque emergency dentist reviewing an xrayDental emergencies are common and it’s essential to know what to do when one happens to you.

This includes taking the time to understand what constitutes a dental emergency and what to look out for. Here is a detailed breakdown of what a dental emergency entails and what you should do as soon as you are in such a situation.

What Is A Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any dental condition requiring immediate professional assistance to avoid further pain, discomfort, and damage to the teeth.

Examples of this can include:

* Toothaches
* Broken Teeth/Knocked Out Teeth
* Swollen Jaw
* Bleeding Gums
* Missing Filling
* Exposed Nerve

Anything surrounding these conditions should be addressed as soon as possible by a qualified dentist. They will know what to do to regulate the pain and make sure the teeth are in the condition they need to be.

How To Deal With A Dental Emergency

1. Book An Appointment With The Dentist Right Away

The first thing you are going to want to do is to book an appointment with a dentist. Some dentists work around the clock and/or are willing to book emergency appointments. They will prioritize you due to the nature of the condition you’re in.

This is ideal since you are going to want treatment as soon as you can get it.

2. Rinse The Mouth

You are also going to want to focus on controlling the bleeding if that is a concern. This can be done by rinsing the mouth with water. Just make sure to rinse gently and allow the water to dribble out as that is going to make sure you don’t aggravate the situation.

3. Use Gauze To Control Bleeding

If the bleeding is getting worse, it’s essential to use gauze to help control it. This is essential as that is one of the best ways to control how much you are bleeding. Pressing against it is going to help, but also placing it near the opening of the mouth is useful too.

Final Thoughts

These are the most important things a person should do when dealing with a dental emergency. The onset of pain can be sudden and you are going to want to numb it as best as you can until a dentist gets to see what’s going on.

By following the steps listed here, you will be able to take control of the situation before the dentist sees what’s going on.