How Does A Dentist Treat A Tooth Avulsion?

A dentist fixing a broken toothAccidents and injuries can knock out a tooth, but if this ever happens to you, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s lost forever. Quick action can help save your tooth so that it can be successfully replanted and last for years. You can first reinsert the tooth yourself or save it in liquid. You should then seek help from a dentist for further treatment.

How Do Dentists Treat a Knocked-Out Tooth?

It can be simple to put a knocked-out tooth back in place sometimes. However, it can sometimes be complicated, such as in situations where the tooth is broken.

If you have a broken tooth, the dentist will flush debris from its socket using water. Next, they will slot the knocked-out tooth back into place. Re-implantation of the tooth should be done as soon as possible. Ideally, it should be done within an hour of the tooth being knocked out.

The dentist will either perform the root canal immediately or wait to do it later. The best course of action depends on several different factors. The dentist will then splint the knocked-out tooth to the teeth on either side using a soft wire and/or composite material. This is used to hold the tooth in place for a few days. It’s up to the dentist to decide how long the splint should remain.

If the bone around the tooth wasn’t fractured, the root will likely reattach firmly to the bone in about 3 to 4 weeks. If there was more damage to the area, however, 6 to 8 weeks of repair time may be required.

The dentist should examine the reattached tooth again in 3 to 6 months. Unless there are signs of infection, the next visit will occur at your annual checkup. Your dentist will then check periodically over the next few years to ensure successful re-implantation.

Have an Avulsed Tooth? See a Dentist Immediately!

The best way to avoid having to deal with a knocked-out tooth is to ensure that you practice proper oral hygiene, keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy, wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle and a seat belt when riding in a vehicle, wear mouth guards during sports, and practice fall prevention methods.

If you do all the above but still end up with a knocked-out tooth, put it in a liquid (preferably milk) and go see a dentist immediately. Your quick actions after having your tooth knocked out could mean the difference between losing it permanently and having your beautiful smile for many more years.

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