Five Reasons To Call A 24 Hour Dentist

An albuquerque emergency dentist reviewing an xrayDental emergencies don’t care for the time of day. It could be two in the morning, and your tooth will start aching.

This is where a 24-hour dentist can become a valuable solution to have in hand as you’re hoping to get treated.

Five Reasons To Call A 24 Hour Dentist

Here are five reasons why a 24-hour dentist is of utmost importance to patients.

1) Immediate Treatment

The biggest benefit is the immediacy of treatment. You will be able to race in as soon as the problem flares up and know a professional dentist is ready to assist on the spot.

2) Prevents Future Dental Concerns

It is not just about handling dental problems right now, but about the future too. A patient will want a comprehensive solution, which will ensure the problem does not creep up in the long-term.

3) Can Provide Prescriptions

This dentist will be able to provide a prescription right away. This will enable the right medication to be taken (if necessary). Having to wait around to get a prescription filled is never a positive experience, which is why it’s best to go with a professional who can do so.

4) Trained Professionals

These are certified professionals just like any other dentist and will be well-versed with a range of dental concerns. This will ensure no risks are being taken when being diagnosed.

5) Close To Home

The biggest benefit when under duress is having a treatment option close to home. A valuable 24-hour dentist is going to be close to home for all of your requirements. This will save time and ensure the teeth are being looked at as soon as possible.

You don’t want this to be delayed.

Start looking for a nearby 24-hour dentist in Albuquerque as soon as you can before an emergency dental concern arises.

Don’t Delay On Repairing An Abscessed Tooth!

emergency abscess treatment in albuquerqueThere are certain dental issues that need to be treated with the same fast care as chest pains or other serious medical conditions, and an abscessed tooth is one of those. The problem is that an abscessed tooth is often mistaken for just being a tooth ache, and that can be a really serious mistake.

Don’t Delay On Repairing An Abscessed Tooth!

The Symptoms

An abscessed tooth is normally easy to identify. Aside from major throbbing pain up in the gums or root area of a tooth, there is often major swelling in the gums. An abscessed tooth is a bacterial infection and because of that, it is especially serious.

Common Symptoms Include:

  • Bad breath
  • Fever
  • Swelling & severe pain
  • Problem chewing
  • Severe temperature sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Open sores in the mouth

These are just the beginning, however. It’s important to understand that when left untreated, this infection can easily spread into the blood which can then go through your system and especially to affecting your heart. This leads to severe medical issues and complications that can almost always be avoided if the abscessed tooth is treated immediately.

Even in situations where it may take time to get an oral surgeon to extract the tooth, dentists will want patients suffering from an abscessed tooth to get on antibiotics immediately to lessen the chance of the infection spreading and at the very least keep it contained and better controlled.

Not A Minor Problem

An abscessed tooth will at the very least need a root canal, careful medication, and special treatment. However, there are also many times when having an abscessed tooth also means that the tooth will eventually have to be removed. This is often the case with severe tooth decay, so it’s not a problem that should be put off. There are too many health ramifications – so get any abscessed tooth treated as quickly as possible.

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Call For A High-Quality Emergency Wisdom Tooth Extraction

emergency tooth pulling albuquerque, nmA wisdom tooth can flare up at anytime, and this is when action is required.

Emergency Wisdom Tooth Extraction

What can you do when the pain is radiating through your oral cavity and causing agony?

An emergency solution is a must, and this is where a high-quality wisdom tooth extraction is going to be the necessary treatment.

With this world-class emergency dental clinic in Albuquerque, you will be able to receive immediate treatment at any time of the day.


The extraction is going to be simple ensuring you’re not adding additional pressure to the area near your tooth. This is important, so you’re able to eat as required and not feel troubled because of the continuous pain.

At this dental clinic, we use professional techniques and modern equipment to help with the wisdom tooth extraction enabling you to feel good as soon as possible.


Who wants to feel pain during the process? You will already be in a severe amount of discomfort leading to the emergency visit, and this dental clinic is going to work hard in ensuring the results are on par with your requirements.

The treatment is going to be as painless as you want it to be.


How long will our specialists take once you have arrived at the clinic? You will be able to receive immediate treatment and not have to fret over things being delayed or the pain lingering forever.

Come in and make sure the right professional is taking a look at your wisdom tooth.

Those who call now will be able to receive immediate value for their wisdom tooth pain. It is time to take action and get rid of the wisdom tooth before the pain becomes unbearable.

We are the finest emergency dental clinic for all of your emergency and will be open around the clock.

How To Save A Cracked Tooth

A dentist fixing a broken toothA cracked tooth is an unpleasant experience and one most people don’t want to deal with. However it can happen from time to time.

How To Save A Cracked Tooth

For those who are in this position, what can be done to save it?

1) Consult With Dentist Immediately

This is the first tip to consider and perhaps one of the most important ones you will hear about from anyone that sees your cracked tooth.

You want to consult with a dentist and have the tooth diagnosed.

What will they be looking for?

1) Structural Damage To Tooth
2) Internal Damage Behind Tooth
3) Requirements To Resurrect Tooth Back To Normal

These are the three factors they are going to race through as soon as you come in.

If the cracked tooth just occurred, they will spend additional time to see if nerve damage has taken place.

2) Avoid Doing Additional Damage

This is the most important tip a person will need to consider at home. You cannot go ahead and start biting into an apple as it will aggravate the situation. The crack will increase or the tooth itself is going to fall off.

Don’t forget; a cracked tooth is vulnerable, and there might be lingering trauma underneath, which can’t be seen by the naked eye.

It is best to be assertive with your food choices and avoid biting into hard food items that are not easy on the teeth.

This is how you can save a cracked tooth and make sure it is rehabilitated back to how it used to be. A professional dentist in Albuquerque will be able to bond the tooth and make sure it looks as good as new.

As long as you’re patient with this process and don’t hamper things by biting into a hard apple, the tooth will be brought back to shape as required.

Looking For The Same Day Broken Denture Repair?

same day denture repair in albuquerque, nmIf you are looking for a reputed and experienced 24/7 dental service to perform broken denture repairs, you need to call us right now. We are one of the most recommended dental services in Albuquerque. In fact, our services come highly recommended by a majority of our clients in the area. We provide the following:

A broken denture is quite embarrassing. The first thing in your mind would be is to get the broken denture repaired quickly and expertly. This is where our service comes to the picture. We handle all types of emergency denture repairs in a timely manner. Our same day repair service is extremely popular within a majority of our patients in the area. This is why they prefer to choose us over our competition for all their same day broken denture repairs.

Looking For The Same Day Broken Denture Repair?

Our team is well experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled in all types of broken denture repairs. Our team has quite a few years of experience under their belts. Whether you are faced with a broken denture repair, a missing tooth, a chipped tooth, or a completely broken in half tooth, we are able to fix it quickly and expertly. When the job is completed, it will look like a new tooth. We offer an excellent service at an affordable price. We pride ourselves in quality work and total customer satisfaction. This is why we make it a point to communicate with the patient through the entire process when handling a case of broken denture repair. The communication begins from the exact time of receiving the broken denture from the patient. It continues throughout the process such as when we fix them and you collect the repaired dentures from us. This is why you need to call us right now.

5 Signs That  You Have a Tooth Needs to Be Extracted

emergency tooth pulling albuquerque, nmMaintaining healthy teeth is crucial for your overall well-being, but in some cases, a tooth can become a daunting issue. While tooth extraction is no fun and is considered a last resort, there are some situations where it becomes necessary to prevent further complications. In this post, we are going to look at several telltale signs that your tooth needs to be pulled out.

5 Signs That  You Have a Tooth Needs to Be Extracted

1. Severe Toothache

An extreme toothache that isn’t relieved by over-the-counter pain medication is a sign that something is wrong with the tooth. The pain may be constant or come and go, and it may be worse at night or when you bite down

2. Severe Tooth Decay

When left unaddressed, tooth decay can progress to a point where the tooth’s structural integrity is compromised. If your tooth has decayed to a level where the enamel, pulp, and dentin are damaged, it cannot be saved through conventional filling or root canal treatment. In such a case, extraction is the only viable solution.

2. Advanced Gum Disease

Also referred to as periodontitis, advanced gum disease can result in the loosening of teeth because of the deterioration of the supporting bone and tissues. If the bone loss is severe and your tooth becomes too unstable to stay in place, it is time to have it pulled out.

3. Irreparable Tooth Fractures

If a tooth fracture extends deep into the root, it can affect the tooth’s stability and cause severe pain. If the fracture is too extreme to be fixed through crowns or bonding, extraction may be required. This prevents infection and further discomfort.

4. Affected Wisdom Teeth

Also referred to as third molars, wisdom teeth usually do not have adequate space to emerge correctly, leading to impaction. This can result in pain, inflammation, and even infection. If left unaddressed (through extraction), they can also damage neighboring teeth, hurting your overall health.

5. Overcrowding and Orthodontic Treatment

In some situations, teeth need to be pulled out in order to make space for proper alignment during orthodontic treatment. Overcrowding can result in difficulty in cleaning, crooked teeth, and an increased risk of dental issues. As such, having a tooth pulled out can help achieve a straighter smile and healthier bite.

The Takeaway

The prospect of having your tooth extracted can be scary, but it is important to recognize the signs that show this procedure is necessary. Keep in mind that your dentist in Albuquerque is the best individual to evaluate your oral health and recommend the right treatment. So, ensure you consult them and have regular dental check-ups.

Six Do’s and Don’ts After You Have Had a Tooth Extraction

emergency tooth pulling albuquerque, nmHaving a tooth extracted is a standard dental procedure that can be done to remove a damaged, decayed, or infected tooth. While it is a minor procedure, taking care of your mouth afterward is crucial for preventing complications and hastening the healing process. In this brief post, we’ll delve into the dos and don’ts following tooth extraction in simple terms.

Six Do’s and Don’ts After You Have Had a Tooth Extraction

The Dos

1. Follow the Dentist’s Instructions

Your dentist knows best and will provide specific guidelines based on your situation. As such, you’ll want to listen and follow their instructions to the letter carefully.

2. Keep Gauze in Position

Following the procedure, the dentist will put a piece of gauze over the extraction site. It’s important to apply gentle pressure on the piece for the recommended time in order to control bleeding and allow for clot formation.

3. Use Ice Packs

In order to reduce swelling, apply an ice pack to the cheek between 15 to 20 minutes on the off during the first day.

4. East Soft Foods

You’ll want to avoid chewy, hard, or crunchy foods for the first few days as they can tamper with the healing process. Instead, sticks to foods like scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, soup, and yogurt.

5. Take Prescribed Medicine

If you were given antibiotics or pain relievers, take them as prescribed. This is important for pain management and preventing infections.

6. Stay Hydrated

Ensure you drink plenty of fluids, but avoid using straws for the first several days. The sucking motion can dislodge the blood clot, thus affecting the healing process.

The Don’ts

1. Avoid Spitting and Rinsing

Do not use mouthwash or spit forcefully for the first 24 hours as the pressure can dislodge the blood clot and lead to a painful condition called dry socket.

2. Avoid Strenuous Activities

Do not engage in heavy lifting or intense activities for the first few days as your body needs time to heal.

3. Avoid Hot Foods and Alcohol

Hot foods and alcohol can aggravate the healing site, so avoid them for a couple of days.

4. Do Not Smoke

If you smoke, avoid it for at least 2 days. The substances in tobacco smoke can also affect the clot and increase the risk of infection.

5. Don’t Overlook Abnormal Symptoms

Mild to moderate pain or swelling is normal, but if these symptoms worsen, consult your dentist as they could be signs of an infection.

6. Do Not Skip Follow-up Appointments

If your dentist scheduled any follow-up appointments, ensure you attend them. This is important in monitoring your healing progress.

By following the above tips, you should be able to recover fast and uneventfully following a tooth extraction.

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The Most Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction

emergency tooth pulling albuquerque, nmWhile often seen as a last resort, tooth extraction becomes necessary in some situations. Among the several reasons that may necessitate a tooth extraction, one stands out as the most prevalent and this post will delve into the gist of things.

The Most Common Reason for Extraction: Severe Tooth Decay

Severe tooth decay, or advanced dental caries or cavities is the most frequent cause of tooth extraction. Dental caries, usually fueled by poor oral hygiene, sugary diets, and inadequate dental care, can lead to the gradual breakdown of the tooth’s structure. When the cavities penetrate the enamel and dentin, and reach the sensitive pulp inside, they can cause pain, inflammation, and even infection.

Why Does Severe Tooth Decay Lead to Extraction?

Once dental decay hits an advanced stage, the affected teeth are less likely to respond to less invasive treatments like root canals or filings. If the damage is at a point that affects the tooth’s structural integrity, extraction becomes the viable course of action to avoid further complications. Leaving a severely decayed tooth unaddressed can lead to issues like:

Pain & Discomfort- When the nerves within the tooth are exposed, it becomes sensitive to pain and sensitivity.

Infection- Bacteria can make their way to the pulp chamber, causing an infection that can spread to the surrounding areas.

Abscess Formation- An abscess is a pocket of pus that can develop at the root of the tooth, leading to extreme pain and inflammation.

How to Avoid Severe Tooth Decay

Preventing extreme tooth decay is vital in avoiding extraction. That said, here are simple but effective tips to keep your teeth healthy and free from cavities:

  1. Brush Regularly– brush at least two times per day using fluoride toothpaste. This will help remove food particles and plaque, which left unattended can build up and cause decay.
  2. Floss DailyFlossing helps clean between teeth and in parts where your toothbrush cannot reach properly.
  3. Watch Your Diet– Sugar feeds bacteria that aid in the development of cavities. So limit sugary foods and beverages and instead stick to a balanced diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
  4. Regular Dental Check-ups– Having dental check-ups is recommended for detecting and treating cavities early enough. A great dentist will be able to identify potential issues before they escalate.

The Takeaway

Extreme tooth decay stands out as the prevalent reason for tooth extraction. Keep in mind that prevention is key to avoiding the need for tooth extraction and you can ascertain this by practicing good oral hygiene, visiting your dentist regularly, and maintaining a healthy diet.

Tips On Dealing With a Broken Or Loose Denture

same day denture repair in albuquerque, nmWhat could cause dentures to loosen?

Over time, patients may experience some or a few of the following:

  • Jaw shrinking or changing over time.
  • Daily wear and tear.
  • Too much pressure applied during cleaning.
  • The initial “settling” period is over.
  • Improper daily denture care regimen.

What To Do If Dentures Loosen

If these dentures are fairly new, it’s important to consider that they need a period of adjustment, in which case, some looseness is normal. However, make sure to keep all of your follow-up appointments with your dentist. For dentures that have loosened as a result of time or use, give us a call at: 516-565-3435 or 516-348-2000. To try a temporary fix, make sure to use the appropriate adhesive!

How To Handle Broken Dentures

Dentures are an important part of your oral health, so the moment you have a problem arise, make sure to treat it with as much urgency as you would with your natural teeth. Broken dentures are often the result of many things, but most commonly may include:

  • Soaking in too hot water that causes melting or warping.
  • An injury or an accident while the denture is being used.
  • Improper maintenance or simply, general wear and tear through usage.

If your dentures are broken or misshapen, never opt to wear someone else’s or a pair that’s not properly fitted for you. Collect all of the pieces of your broken dentures, but never attempt repair on your own. The pieces you collect should be placed inside a container filled with water.

You can proactively prevent denture breakage by removing them nightly and following strict guidelines from your dentist. It’s also crucial to only use cold water when soaking them and storing them in a proper container when not in use. Lastly, always schedule regular checkups with your dentist to prevent future problems.

If you find that your dentures are broken or loose, schedule an emergency dental appointment in Albuquerque right away!

Dental Care For a Tooth That Has Been Chipped Or Completely Knocked Out

A woman with a chipped or broken toothExperiencing a chipped or broken tooth can be scary, but with the right care and knowledge your emergency dental repair could be successful. A professional cosmetic dentist should have years of experience in dealing with this common problem. They are dedicated to helping you reduce pain and aid the recovery process after any kind of trauma occurs to your mouth or teeth. The dentist will provide an accurate assessment of what needs doing, whilst ensuring that minimal damage is done in order to achieve maximum results for each case! Here is how a dentist will treat a tooth that has been chipped or completely knocked out.

Dental Care For a Tooth That Has Been Chipped Or Completely Knocked Out

When dealing with damaged teeth due to chipping or cracking from daily wear and tear or accidental trauma over time—restoration becomes a key factor when considering oral health maintenance. It takes quality care from experienced professionals combined with modern technology advances to provide successful solutions making sure each client leaves happy after getting desired results! From Dental Bonding utilizing composite resin reshaping techniques; through custom fitted Veneer porcelain shells covering pitting & cracks surfaces; up until Crown installment being the ultimate resort against highly impaired components.

With so many options available for restoring chipped and broken teeth, a professional dentistry team can help you determine which one is the best solution. For minor chips and cracks, dental bonding or veneers offer an effective way to reinstate your tooth’s appearance. However, if there are more severe issues involved with damage then crowns may be necessary in order to restore functionality as well as comfort back into the patient’s mouth. Whatever treatment route is chosen by both you and your dentist should take into account factors such as the location of the damage on/in the tooth (surface vs under enamel), the severity of chip(s) or crack(s), price point per procedure, etc. In any case, it is important that patients discuss all possible restoration treatments thoroughly before deciding upon any type of intervention in order to get maximum value out of their visits to the clinic room!

Final Thought

You should receive the best possible care for your chipped or cracked tooth. An experienced endodontist in Albuquerque can provide relief from pain and prevent potential problems with an individualized treatment plan specific to your needs. With accurate diagnosis and safe procedures, they will ensure lasting results so that you can enjoy years of comfortable chewing without worry or stress about future dental complications.