How Do Dentists Treat Toothaches?

A woman with a toothacheToothaches come in many different forms, but are usually a sign that something needs to be checked by a dentist. When it comes to what actually causes toothaches, some common ones are gum infections, cavities, teeth grinding, infections, cracked teeth, and damaged fillings.

What Can a Dentist Do for a Toothache?

A dentist will first perform an examination and ask about your symptoms. He/she may also take a dental X-ray to find out whether there are any issues going on beneath the gums. The dentist will then recommend a suitable treatment depending on the severity of your situation.

Here are the 3 most common dentist-prescribed treatments for toothaches:

I. Dental Filling

If a hole has already formed in the decayed tooth, the dentist will remove the decayed area using a drill and repair the hole using dental fillings. Blue wavelength light is then used to cure and hasten the hardening of the fillings. Finally, they will file and polish the tooth for a correct bite.

II. Root Canal

A root canal may be necessary if the tooth is infected or for a larger cavity. The dentist first numbs the patient and then drills the tooth until reaching the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels. He/she then removes it and seals the tooth. A crown may also be placed over the affected tooth to protect it from further damage.

III. Tooth Extraction

Extracting a tooth can be an effective solution to prevent further infection. It’s also a common solution for a crowded mouth, especially with impacted teeth that require surgery. The procedure starts with local anesthetic being administered to numb the area. The dentist then rocks the tooth back and forth using forceps to remove it from the jawbone.

Final Thoughts

Toothaches are usually the result of a more serious oral problem that requires immediate attention. To treat a toothache, the dentist will first review your medical history and conduct an examination. After determining the cause, he/she will prescribe a suitable treatment.

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Consequences of Neglecting Tooth Pain

As any dentist in Albuquerque will tell you…toothaches are serious and should be taken care of by a dentist immediately. The truth of this statement is supported by what happened recently to a man who experienced health consequences from complications connected to his painful toothache…
Daniel Murtagh, 29, suffered months of weight loss, exhaustion and body aches – which doctors believed was HIV. But blood tests revealed a super-bug had traveled around his body and eaten away at a valve in his heart. Medics discovered the infection had come from bacteria on a mildly-inflamed wisdom tooth that was causing him slight pain. Doctors immediately pulled it out before performing a seven-hour operation on his heart to give him a prosthetic valve. But Mr Murtagh was told that if he had left his condition another week he would probably have died.


As this incident makes clear, it is so important to take care of your teeth, keep them clean, see your dentist for cleanings and X-rays…and always see your dentist if you have any discomfort at all – even if you think its minor.

The moral of this story is that tooth pain ALWAYS indicates something needs attention. You do not want something in your mouth to cause a major infection in your body that could lead to significant problems, even death. So, if you are experiencing a toothache or any other type of dental emergency, call a dentist in Albuquerque right away.

Why You Should Never Ignore A Toothache

No matter how tough you consider yourself to be, ignoring a toothache, even a mild one, can be hazardous to your health. Rather than putting off a trip to the dentist, pay careful attention to your symptoms and be prepared to take action, sooner, rather than later.

What Are Your Symptoms?

Nearly anyone can recognize the symptoms of a toothache; however, it’s important to be able to relay to your dentist exactly what’s going on in your mouth. Look for and take note of the following:

1. Pain In The Tooth: You may have sharp, even agonizing pain in one particular tooth.
2. Surrounding A Tooth: There may be an area around a tooth causing you intense pain or discomfort.
3. Swelling Of The Gums: Redness and irritation of the gums can lead to pain and should be taken seriously.
4. Throbbing From The Teeth: A pulsing, throbbing pain can mean infection or something is lodged between teeth. This type of pain can lead to other complications for you.
5. Pain Radiating Through The Jaw: If your toothache involves a nerve, such a situation can leave your entire mouth hurting; this pain usually emanates from the affected tooth, radiating throughout the jaw and line of teeth.
6. Any Drainage From The Tooth: If you observe any type of discharge from a tooth, even if there’s no pain, this symptom should be immediately reported to a dentist.
7. Headache, Fever Or Dizziness: Toothaches can wreak havoc on different systems and other parts of the body, depending on their cause(s). Include any other symptoms in conversations with your dentist, as they may indicate severity, infection and other systemic causes for a toothache.

What’s Causing All That Pain?

There are quite a few reasons you have a toothache and while it could be something as simple as having a bit of corn stuck way back between your wisdom teeth, more nefarious reasons may very well be present, meaning you’re going to need a professional evaluation for such situations as:

1. Severe Tooth Decay: Cavities can cause extreme pain.
2. An Abscessed Tooth: When decay hits a nerve, the pain can be excruciating and this should be considered an emergency.
3. Abscessed Gums: Infections of the gum can penetrate deep below the surface, even to the bone; this pain may make you feel like you have a toothache, even though it’s a gum problem.
4. A Filling In Need Of Repair: Fillings can come loose or fall out, resulting in pain, especially if the lost filling exposes sensitive areas.
5. An Injury To A Tooth: Any type of force against your tooth can cause a fracture or breakage, even if it’s not visible to you.
6. Grinding: If you grind your teeth, they can become worn down and painful.

Why Is It So Important To See A Dentist Quickly?

Besides needing relief from the pain you’re in, toothaches are often symptomatic of serious conditions requiring immediate attention. You should see a professional:

1. For Severe Pain: Anything more than mild discomfort.
2. For Lasting Pain: If the pain persists for more than 48 hours, contact your dentist.
3. When You Have Other Symptoms: The presence of a fever with dental pain may indicate an infection; however, any other problems, such as headache, earache or pain when eating or brushing are indications you need to see your dentist right away.

It’s important to note that many dental symptoms could be telling you that you have an infection, which, if left untreated, can spread throughout your body, possibly leading to very serious complications.

You can afford to put some things in life off, but a toothache should never be one of them. If you have pain, discomfort, swelling or any other oral complications, talk to a emergency dentist in Albuquerque right away. You just might be surprised at how threatening a “mere” toothache can be to your good health.

Do You Need an Emergency Tooth Extraction?

Dental emergencies can show up in a couple of different forms. We understand that sometimes accidents happen suddenly and you have a dental emergency that may even require some oral surgery if you need a tooth extracted. There are other times where a mild pain can be easily ignored (even though you should never ignore tooth pain) and then suddenly the pain and swelling flares up, creating an emergency.

While the truth is that you can never be 100% sure if you need a tooth removed because of infection, accident, or because of long neglect, there are several signs to look for that can give you a hint and might be time to take out that problem tooth.

Tooth Extraction Due to Wisdom Teeth Coming In

A woman with a painful toothacheOne of the first potential signs is if you have wisdom teeth growing in. The majority of people will not only have wisdom teeth, but will need them removed because they come in and crowd other teeth or damage the root system. We’ve seen plenty of cases where one wisdom tooth could have a negative domino affect on multiple teeth on that side of your mouth. Getting wisdom teeth removed is never a bad idea.

Tooth Extraction Due to Severe Toothache

Another obvious sign is severe pain, especially if there is swelling or blood around the gums and surrounding tissue area. This could be a sign of damaged roots, severe tooth damage that’s too bad to fix, or even the severe infection. All of these things are an indication that you need dental work, but depending on the severity the damage you may need an emergency tooth extraction.

While we understand the nervousness that many people have when going to the dentist, we strongly encourage you to come in at the first sign of damage or problem. While you might be nervous about the news, ignoring it will only make things much worse and if you have a tooth that needs to be removed because of infection you need to know that in severe circumstances that can become fatal if left untreated.

Find a dentist in Albuquerque to help you get an emergency tooth extraction in ABQ.

How a Toothache Can Turn Into An Emergency If You Don’t Get Treatment

It’s easy to think of a toothache as an inconvenience, especially if the pain isn’t that severe. However, a sore tooth can actually be the sign of a serious medical issue. It’s vitally important to get care for your teeth right away.

When a tooth is in pain, it can often be the sign of an infection. This infection can turn into an abscess, which is a collection of pus that causes swelling. But while the infection may start out in your tooth, it won’t necessarily remain there.

Dental infections can easily spread, and that spread can be incredibly rapid. There are two places that infection is likely to spread to — the brain, and the heart. Both can be incredibly dangerous, and if left untreated, can even be fatal. Multiple people have died because of untreated toothaches.

urgent toothache relief albuquerque nmIf you see a doctor about a toothache, the first thing they’ll give you is a prescription for antibiotics. They know how serious a tooth infection can be, and they know the consequences of leaving it untreated. They’ll make sure your toothache doesn’t get any worse.

Even if your tooth isn’t infected, an ordinary toothache can easily turn into something serious. For example, a toothache may mean that something in your jaw has been dislodged. This is particularly likely if you’ve suffered some kind of blow to your head. It’s important that your jaws get reset so they can heal properly.

Don’t let your toothache become an dental emergency. Get the treatment you need as soon as possible so that you can start getting better. There’s no reason to let what could be a small problem turn into a big one. Find a way to get the care you need right away.

If you have a painful toothache call our Albuquerque emergency dental office immediately for a complete examination.